Yemen: Huties Renew their Commitment to the People of Gaza and their Resistance Against Israel

Al-Houthi Supreme Leader of the Islamic Group Houthis in Yemen, Aug 2024 Photo: Al Mayadeen

August 23, 2024 Hour: 5:14 pm

According to the Yemeni authorities, the response of the Axis and Yemen fronts will be painful. Planning is one of the reasons for the delay».

The leader of the Ansar Allah movement in Yemen, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, renewed on Thursday his country’s commitment to support the Gaza Strip and stresses that the fronts of support for Palestine continue and «its response is close and painful for the occupying entity», stating that «Yemen will continue the marches of solidarity regardless of the circumstances».

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Al Houthi confirmed that the Israeli occupation has been committing 321 days of the century’s crime against the people of the Gaza Strip, stressing that this Israeli crime is being committed with US collaboration and Western support.

In his speech on Thursday about the events of the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip and regional developments, Al-Houthi said: “The responsibility and religious and moral duty of Muslims, in the magnitude of the long-term oppression of the Palestinian people and failure, is a serious problem”.

Assigned a great responsibility to religious scholars and the enlightened to enlighten the nation and make it aware of the danger of not supporting the Palestinian people, stressing that defending Gaza and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a sacred duty for all Muslims, But they are negligent, accusing some of them of complicity.

Al-Houthi stressed that “not supporting the Palestinian people is a danger to the Arab and Islamic peoples and an opportunity for enemies,” noting the decision of the Colombian president to prevent the export of coal to the occupying entity in support of Gaza, while “we see that the Arab regimes continue to export to the enemy”.

He added, in the context of the position of the Arab regimes on the aggression against Gaza, that some of them punish those who sympathize with the Palestinian people and their mujahidin with imprisonment, fines, torture and sometimes exile.

He noted that «it is not appropriate for the Islamic and Arab sphere to be deprived of popular outbursts of solidarity with the Palestinian people, while interaction continues in non-Islamic countries».

As for the fronts supporting Gaza, al-Houthi stressed that they are continuous and effective, especially the front in southern Lebanon where the Israelis expect the inevitable response of Hezbollah to the assassination of high military commander Fouad Shukr.

Al-Houthi added regarding the Hezbollah front that is underway and “hot”, pointing to the losses being suffered by the occupation on this front.

The leader of the movement Ansar Allah announced that the Yemeni Front, which supports Gaza and its resistance, carried out operations in a week using 21 ballistic missiles, wing-type missiles, a drone and a warship, adding that the number of ships attacked for their association with occupation and for violating the embargo has reached 182 since the launch of the Yemen Support Front.

Al-Houthi concluded his speech saying: «Our dear people are in a position of honour, and when the next generations come, they will not be stained by the shame of inaction as in the case of many peoples and regimes».

Autor: OSG

Fuente: Al Mayadeen

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