Crowds Welcome Lula Tour in Minas Gerais, Brazil


The leader of the Workers' Party was received in the city of Itinga.Lula Institute
Lula also visited several works that were built during his time in office, such as the bridge over the Jequitinhonha river.Lula Institute
Lula met with citizens of the southeastern region of Minas Gerais and nearby neighborhoods.Lula Institute
The former president was greeted by thousands of citizens and those who benefited most from social programs during his time in office.Lula Institute
The "Lula pelo Brasil" caravan will continue until the end of October.Workers' Party
Lula's leadership was reaffirmed in the event, with thousands of supporters chanting his name.Lula Institute
Lula spoke about the damages that the current government of President Michel Temer is inflicting on the country.Lula Institute
Thousands shouted "Fora Temer" (Out with Temer) in opposition to neoliberal measures promoted by the government.Workers' Party