Ecuador: Protest Against IMF Reforms Met with Police Brutality


Protests against the austerity measures started Thursday after Moreno's government ended four-decade-old fuel subsidies.Reuters
The protests were organized by transport unions, students and other civil society organizations.Reuters
Demonstrations have been taking place across the country, including the nation's most populated city of Guayaquil, as well as in the southern cities of Cuenca and Azogues.Reuters
In an official announcement, the president and his ministers said Thursday that their decisions on economic matters are correct for the nation.Reuters
President Lenin Moreno declared a state of exception Thursday. Minister of Defense, Oswaldo Jarrin said that the state of exception was established so the police and the armed forces could operate when current order is interrupted.Reuters
"They implement these measures to increase poverty, but they are also inefficient, these measures do not generate growth, employment, anything," said former Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa.Reuters
Defense Minister Oswaldo Jarrin and Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo admitted Friday that 350 citizens have been arrested for participating in demonstrations.Reuters
the Confederation of National Indigenous of Ecuador (CONAIE), the Popular Front, and the United Workers Front (FUT), collectively announced they will continue to protest throughout the country.Reuters
"The Indigenous movement is mobilizing indefinitely in the whole country," the president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), Jaime Vargas, said.Twitter / @CONAIE_Ecuador
On Saturday morning, private outlets reported that the roads had been totally blocked in provinces with the highest percentage of indigenous population, such as Cotopaxi, Imbabura and Chimborazo and “authorities have been uncapable of clearing roadblocks," El Comercio journalists reported.Reuters