Hurricane Irma Leads a Destructive Path Through the Caribbean


Police on patrol in San Juan, Puerto Rico as Irma makes landfall.Reuters
Dominica's Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit issued a statement saying how grateful he was that the country was spared, "because, as you know, there was no way we could afford any negative impact."Facebook / ABS Television Radio
Choppy waters off Antigua as the island prepares for a direct hit from the Category 5 hurricane.Facebook / ABS Television Radio
A woman crosses the street in the heavy rains brought on by Hurricane Irma's assault on the island.Reuters
A cargo ship is seen leaving Puerto Rico before the storm touches down.EFE
Men board up a store in preparation.Reuters
A man shelters from the rain. The heavy rains that preceeded the hurricane's arrival caused flooding.EFE
Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda says, "In the light of day, the picture is very different. In Antigua, no life has been lost – all the people survived … Even our animals were protected from this massive storm."Facebook / Gemma Hazelwood
Tourists in St. Croix in the calm before the storm's arrival.Reuters
Choppy waters in Marigot, Dominica breach the sea wall and spill into the streets.Facebook / ABS Television Radio
The view from a satelite of Hurricane Irma.Reuters
No safe harbor in Saint Maarten as the storm churns the sea and damages boats in the dock.Reuters
The repair effort is expected to take weeks.Facebook / ABS Television Radio
Saint Maarten takes a beating from the winds and rain.Facebook / ABS Television Radio
The storm beats down on Saint Maarten.Facebook / ABS Television Radio
Irma left its mark on Saint Maarten. Cars are seen partially submerged in the flooded streets.Facebook / ABS Television Radio
The Mystic Dock in Antigua was damaged in the storm.Facebook / ABS Television Radio
Barbuda was hit more directly than its sister isle Antigua. But initial reports are the damage had been mitigated by a slight shift in the hurricane's path and proper disaster management.Facebook / Gemma Hazelwood
Damaged homes in Saint Maarten.Facebook / Cyriel Pfennings- Richardson
The clean up efforts across the islands will be significant.Facebook / ABS Television Radio
In Antigua, a dog finds shelter in the aftermath of the storm.Facebook / Gemma Hazelwood