Third Anniversary of Michael Brown's Murder


The Michael O.D. Brown memorial erected by the city of Ferguson, Missouri, in the United StatesTwitter / @BerylGarrett14
Mike Brown was shot and killed August 9, 2014, by a policeman. A few months later the Grand Jury decided not to indict the officer Darren Wilson for his death.Twitter / @deray
Pastor Charles Ewing, delivered his nephew's eulogy. Here he is being comforted by Reverend Al SharptonEFE
Michael Brown's funeral was held at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church. Mourners offered their condolences to his mother Lesley McSpaddenEFE
Days of riots followed Michael Brown's death. It was one of the shootings that gave birth to the Black Lives Matter MovementEFE
A women prays outside The Flood Christian Church, after it was burned in the wake of the Grand Jury's decision to not indict the police officer who shot and killed BrownEFE
Kathryn Bigelow was inspired to make her new movie "Detroit" because of the racial tension sparked by the shooting of Michael BrownReuters
In the years since Brown was killed, awareness has increased about the institutional racism within the US Police Force. But the killings have continuedEFE