Police Killing of Black People in the US: A New Terrorism?


Protesters in front of the White House after the shooting death of black teen Michael Brown by in Ferguson police (Photo: Reuters)Reuters
The #BlackLivesMatter movement has become a major player in U.S. politics and is seen as a continuation of the Black Power legacy's demands for dignified treatment, living conditions, and an end to police abuse and impunity. A protester picks up a tear gas canister to throw back towards police as demonstrations continue over the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 17, 2014.Reuters
A protester against the death of Eric Garner.Reuters
A protester holds a banner in support of Eric Garner who was killed by the NYPD.Reuters
Protesters hold a banner demanding justice for Tamir Rice.Reuters
Protesters have criticized authorities for saying the shooting of Tamir Rice wasReuters
Tamir Rice was shot and killed by Cleveland police on Nov. 22, 2014Reuters
Protesters are gathered for a rally to protest the death of Freddie Gray, who died following an arrest in Baltimore, Maryland, April 25, 2015.Reuters
Protesters demand truth and justice after the death of Freddie Gray.Reuters