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93% of Bernie Sanders Supporters Won't Vote for Donald Trump

  • Supporters cheer at Bernie Sanders during the California presidential primary

    Supporters cheer at Bernie Sanders during the California presidential primary | Photo: Reuters

Published 11 June 2016

Despite talk of Sanders supporters punishing Hillary Clinton with a vote for the Republican, polls suggest only 7 percent would defect to Trump.

A new survey find that if Bernie Sanders is not on the November ballot, Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump in the general elections by 3 points, according to a poll—and next to no Sanders supporters would back the Republican billionaire to punish Sanders' Democratic rival.

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The poll released Friday comes after a spate of articles—"Anarchists for Trump," was a recent headline in The Daily Beast—suggesting Sanders' supporters would seek to destroy the Democratic Party and vote for Trump, both to punish Clinton and to accelerate the "revolution" some think would come after having a proto-fascist in power.

According to Survey USA, only 7 percent of those who support Sanders would vote for Trump, the same percentage who say their support for Sanders is primarily an expression of opposition to Clinton.

If Sanders is not on the ballot, Clinton would defeat Trump 39 to 36 percent. Only 5 percent of those surveyed said they would stay at home and not vote.

Clinton would win among suburban voters, 37 to 36 percent against Trump. She also wins the youngest voters by 14 points and has a double-digit advantage among first-time voters, as well as commanding leads among Blacks, Latinos and Asians.

Trump, on the other hand, leads Clinton by more than 20 points in military households, and wins over White voters.

Of all those surveyed, 47 percent have an extremely unfavorable view of Trump, 39 percent have an unfavorable opinoin of Clinton.

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