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News > Latin America

Bolivia's Social Spending Has Doubled Under Morales in 11 Years

  • Bolivian President Evo Morales addresses the congress of his Movement to Socialism, or MAS, party.

    Bolivian President Evo Morales addresses the congress of his Movement to Socialism, or MAS, party. | Photo: EFE

Published 20 January 2017

The investments made under the Morales administration have had significant social and economic impact.

The Bolivian government doubled investment in social and productive projects in 11 years, the director of the National Fund for Social and Productive Investment, Vladimir Sánchez said.

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Speaking to Prensa Latina, Sanchez highlighted the US$400 billion MiAgua program and the MiRiego investment worth US$170 million, as examples of the projects headed up under the administration of President Evo Morales.

According to the fund director, the investments made during the Morales' administration, especially in the areas of basic sanitation, agriculture, education, water resources, transportation and health have sought to break the structural causes of poverty and have had significant social and economic impact.

Since coming to office in 2006, Morales' left-wing government has used income from nationalized gas resources to invest heavily in numerous areas including employment, housing, culture, justice, environmental protection and energy projects.

In 2016 alone, 316 projects for drinking water, irrigation systems, infrastructure, health, transportation and river defense as well as sewage and sanitation systems were completed.

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Sanchez added that the reconstruction of social and productive infrastructure, education, sports and road maintenance have also been priorities for the Morales government.

The Andean nation, historically one of Latin America's poorest, has seen major social development gains while also benefitting from sustained economic growth.

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