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Hip Hop Legends Fight Back Against Police Brutality in the US

Published 16 February 2016

teleSUR's latest episode of Ñ Don't Stop shows how New York's hip hop group Legendary Cyphers demand justice.

Four years after Ramarley Graham was shot and killed in his home by the New York Police Department, friends, family and activists continue to demand justice for his death. This includes local hip hop artists Legendary Cyphers who have joined the nationwide fight against police brutality, according to the latest episode of teleSUR's Ñ Don't Stop. 

On Feb. 2, the four-year anniversary of Graham's killing, activists gathered in front of the New York city Department of Justice to demand that the officer who entered Graham's home and pulled the trigger, Richard Haste, be brought to justice. 

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Haste pleaded not guilty to charges of manslaughter and was later let off on a technicality. Last year, a grand jury decided not to re-indict the officer.  

“Ramarley is hip hop ... you can't talk about police brutality and systemic racism without talking about the hip hop community,” said Majesty, activist and hip hop artist with the group Legendary Cyphers. 

The group joined other activists in front of the Department of Justice, demanding that the state officials do their jobs and hold Haste accountable since the local municipal courts have failed. 

“I think that's important for people to know. We're not asking for any favors. This is their job,” added Majestic. 

The Legendary Cyphers were formed in 2013, and quickly shot to fame in the neighborhood after lighting up Union Square park with beats and rhymes every Friday night. Their activism comes out in their politically charged lyrics.

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