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North Carolina Hotel Adopts 'We Don't Care' Bathroom Signs

  • Demonstrators with the group GetEQUAL hold a protest with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals affected by the country's immigration policies during a rally outside the White House in Washington, DC, on Sept. 9, 2014.

    Demonstrators with the group GetEQUAL hold a protest with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals affected by the country's immigration policies during a rally outside the White House in Washington, DC, on Sept. 9, 2014. | Photo: AFP

Published 23 April 2016

The 21c Museum Hotel in Durham began using the signs in protest of North Carolina's anti-LGBT bathroom legislation. 

A hotel and museum in Durham, North Carolina, has adopted a creative way to combat the recently-passed anti-LGBT law in their state: replacing the "male"and "female" placards outside their bathrooms with one that is half male/half female and says "We don't care."

The new signat the 21c Museum Hotel.

North Carolina House Bill 2 blocks local governments in the state from enacting ordinances to allow transgender people to use public bathrooms that match their gender identities. It was passed late last month.

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The 21c Museum Hotel, which was started as a "space where contemporary art … can be transformative," released a statement saying that it's "demoralizing that sanctioned discrimination could be a cause contemplated, let alone endorsed, by public officials elected to represent a diverse and complete constituency."

While the 21c organization has taken one of the more creative approaches to battling the discriminatory law, it's certainly not the only one.

Businesses and organizations as diverse as Paypal, the National Basketball Association, and Bruce Springsteen have all threatened boycotts and canceled appearances in the state. Politicians from other parts of the U.S. have called out North Carolina for its discrimination, including President Barack Obama.

Obama said "that the laws that are passed there are wrong and should be overturned" at a news conference in London on Friday.

Those from North Carolina, while ashamed of the law, are still proud of their state. "We are proud that the vibrant city of Durham is home to 21c Museum Hotel, and we humbly stand with fellow North Carolinians who petition the repeal of House Bill 2," the museum's statement concludes.

WATCH: LGBT Activists Protest North Carolina's Discriminatory Law

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