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Sarah Palin: Trump's Abortion View Evolved like Justin Bieber's

  • Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump thanks the crowd after receiving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s endorsement on Jan. 19, 2016.

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump thanks the crowd after receiving former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s endorsement on Jan. 19, 2016. | Photo: Reuters

Published 3 February 2016

Former Governor Sarah Palin said Donald Trump must be celebrated, not criticized, for his change of heart on abortion the way Justin Bieber was celebrated.

U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump should be celebrated for his change of heart from being a pro-choice person to anti-abortion advocate, just like the 21-year old Canadian singer Justin Bieber is celebrated for doing the same thing, Sarah Palin, former half-term Alaska governor and failed vice presidential nominee has said.

During an interview with CNN’s The Lead program Tuesday night, Palin said she was “so glad that Mr. Trump has seen the light and understands the sanctity of innocent life and how a baby in the womb should be most protected. ”

However, according the former governor, Trump was receiving a “hard time” from pro-life groups in the U.S. who were welcoming others who have changed their views such as Justin Bieber.

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“They’re giving Trump a hard time for his past views on abortion where they’re celebrating others, like, I was going through a list ... Like Justin Bieber.”

As the interviewer was shocked by her mentioning Bieber, Palin continued: “Yeah, he’s made statements, understanding the sanctity of life, but in the past said it was no big deal to him. He’s just one example.”

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Palin was referring to Bieber telling the Rolling Stone magazine in 2011 that “everything happens for a reason,” so even in cases of rape or incest, abortion was wrong because “it’s like killing a baby.”

Less than two weeks ago, with a "hallelujah," Palin announced her endorsement to Donald Trump’s presidential bid. “He is from the private sector, not a politician,” Palin said in an animated speech after joining the business mogul and former host of TV’s “The Apprentice” onstage. “Can I get a hallelujah?”

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For the controversial politician, it seems, Bieber and Trump's change of heart falls in the same category.

However, the fact is Trump has been changing his views due to a major political campaign targeting anti-abortion voters and other more conservative voters with views, including abortion, he did not champion before.

But the Canadian singer and performer made his comments back when he was 16, at a time when he was not under political pressure or trying to score points with voters or fans.

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Also, it seems unlikely that Beiber in fact had had a change of heart as he was raised by a religious born-again Christian mother, according to reports back in 2011.

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