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US Republican Candidate Donald Trump Thinks Latinos Love Him

  • Latinos love me: U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump

    Latinos love me: U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump

Published 24 June 2015

The Republican candidate responded to criticism after he proposed building a wall on the border with Mexico.

United States presidential hopeful Donald Trump said Tuesday that Latinos love him, following widespread outrage over his remarks against Mexicans when launching his campaign last week.

“I do great with Latino voters. I employ so many Latinos. I have so many people working for me. I'm a job creator. I create jobs. I'm a master job creator...you know, the Latinos love Trump and I love them,” said the Republican candidate, speaking to reporters while he gave them a tour around his 18-hole championship golf course.  

He also criticized the media through a statement, while praising Mexicans and claiming he had great admiration and respect for their people. According to Trump, his views on Mexicans were distorted by the media.

“I am personally offended by the mainstream media’s attempt to distort my comments regarding Mexico and its great people. My views have been consistent and totally clear, but inaccurately reported,” reads the statement.

The republican sparked anger amongst Latino residents in the U.S. after remarks made while launching his official presidential.

“(Mexico) are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists,” said Trump during the event.

During his speech he also proposed building a wall to stop Mexicans from entering the country, and forcing Mexico itself to pay for it.

“I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words,” Trump added.

Mexican piñata makers have already started selling Trump piñatas, and the Mexican beauty organization 'Nuestra Belleza' announced it is considering boycotting the Miss Universe beauty pageant financed by Donald Trump.

Miss Universe winner Ximena Navarrete revealed Wednesday during a radio interview that Trump was notably displeased when she won the pageant, given her nationality.

“Trump was horrified when I won Miss Universe because I'm mexican,” she said.


Meanwhile Colombian star J. Balvin decided to cancel his performance on Miss USA, part of the Miss Universe pageant, after Trump's remarks on Mexicans.

“It was going to be my first performance on national (US mainstream) television, but we’re talking about our roots, our culture, our values...his comments weren’t just about Mexicans, but about all Latins in general,” said the musician.

The presidential hopeful also greeted a newly released New Hampshire poll published shows that Donald Trump is tralining behind Jeb Bush among Republican voters.

Many Latino personalities have reacted in condemnation of Trump's remarks, including Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

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