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Bernie Sanders Will Meet with Hillary Clinton to Decide Future

  • Sanders will analyze Clinton's agenda and make a decision about his campaign

    Sanders will analyze Clinton's agenda and make a decision about his campaign | Photo: Reuters

Published 12 June 2016

Bernie Sanders says he will pressure Hillary Clinton to promote essential economic and social issues if she becomes the official party nominee.

Bernie Sanders will meet with his rival Hillary Clinton on Tuesday to discuss whether her campaign will include progressive ideas like his, he said Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press.

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“I simply want to get a sense of what kind of platform she will be supporting, whether she will be vigorous in standing up for working families and the middle class, moving aggressively in climate change, healthcare for all, making public colleges and universities tuition-free,” said Sanders.

The meeting will take place after the final Democratic presidential primary in Washington D.C.

Sanders said that after the meeting he will decide if he will quit the presidential race or not. 

“After we have that kind of discussion and after we can determine whether or not we are going to have a strong and progressive platform, I will be able to make other decisions," he said.

Sanders wants Clinton to commit to policies such as a minimum wage increase and action on climate change. He reiterated that his main objective is to defeat presumptive Republican Party nominee Donald Trump.

“So I’m going to do everything that I can to make sure that he is not elected president of the United States,” said Sanders.

Last week, Clinton announced she had won the Democratic nomination and received President Barack Obama's endorsement.

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