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Donald Trump Bans Univision Employees from His Golf Course

  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump | Photo: Reuters

Published 27 June 2015

The channel will not broadcast the Miss Universe pageant co-owned by the U.S. billionaire, because of racist comments he made about Mexicans.

U.S. businessman Donald Trump responded on Friday to television company Univision, based in New York City, for refusing to broadcast his pageant by barring its employees from using his golf course in Miami.

“Under no circumstances is any officer or representative of Univision allowed to use Trump National Doral, Miami – its golf courses or any of its facilities,” said Trump in a letter to Randy Falco, Univision CEO.

The retaliation came one day after Univision announced that it had canceled its broadcast of the Miss USA pageant as well as Miss Universe, both produced by the Miss Universe company– which is co-owned by Trump.

Univision took the measure because of “insulting remarks about Mexican immigrants” the magnate made at the beginning of his campaign to be the Republican presidential candidate one week earlier. Trump said, “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best... They're bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.” He called for the building of a wall between the borders of both countries.

The Mexican government responded, saying his statement was “absurd and prejudiced,” while the billionaire claimed he was not talking about the whole Mexican population. “The Latinos love Trump and I love them,” he claimed. He also said, “Please congratulate your Mexican government officials for having made such outstanding trade deals with the United States,” he wrote Falco. “However, inform them that should I become President, those days are over. We are bringing jobs back to the US. Also, a meaningful border will be immediately created, not the laughingstock that currently exists.”

Univision replied in a communique: "At Univision, we see firsthand the work ethic, love for family, strong religious values and the important role Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans have had and will continue to have in building the future of our country,"

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